I swim 3-4 times a week and am afraid tha the pool water may damage my long locks. Is there anything I can do before or after swimming to make sure that the chlorine water does not damage my hair. I do wear hair cap when swimming
What's the best hair treatment against pool water?
I swim a mile 4-5 days a week. Although my hair is very short, I wash and condition it well as soon as I get home from the pool. You might try leaving the conditioner on for half an hour and then rinse it all out. That works for me.
What's the best hair treatment against pool water?
Yes, there is a certan shampoo and conditioner you can use, its called ultra swim, its for people who swim, so the chlorine dosent hurt youre hair, I use it and its great! You can but it at www.metroswimshop.com, or if youre a a swim meet, they usually have a vendor that sells all sorts of swim stuff, they usually have it there, if you cannot get it at the website, google ultra swim, and the ultra swim web site should come up. If all else fails get loreal kids, they have one for kids swimming , so it should help too.
What's the best hair treatment against pool water?
first, before you even get in the pool, rinse your hair off. if your hair is already wet, it wont absorb as much of the chlorine water. there is also a de-chlorinating shampoo that really works with your hair. depending on how absorbant your hair is you may or may not need to do all of this. the most effective way to keep your hair away from chlorine is to wear a swim cap.
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