I just had my first laser hair removal treatment, my next appointment isn't till the week of christmas. I was told to shave and NOT to wax/pluck. Can I bleach once before my next treatment..such as leave the cream on for 5 minutes then wash it off so that my dark facial hair will be less noticable and will reappear before my 2nd treatment. Should I do this, or not take a chance, I have black hair and have begun shaving above my upper lip but theres always this dark shadow in the area where I shaved. Any tips on how to cover this up with makeup or should I resort to bleaching? By the way I have olive skin.
Should I bleach my face after my first laser hair removal treatment?
Should I bleach my face after my first laser hair removal treatment?
ask a professional please. people here will tell you whatever they want. trust me. when its about you and your health consult a professional not bored people full of nonsense although you might be lucky enough to find someone smart in here. odds are 1/10000000000000000000000000000000000000...
Should I bleach my face after my first laser hair removal treatment?
Shave; you can cover up stubble with make up if you feel the need. Shave carefully with a razor, not an electric and your lip will be smooth as a baby's bottom....or at least as smooth as it will be after your treatments are done...good luck!
Should I bleach my face after my first laser hair removal treatment?
Yes,but not just yet,wait about 2 full weeks after your last laser removal.This will not hurt anything.The only reason why they tell you not to wax/pluck,is because they won't be able to get the "root" of the hairs if you do.
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