Thursday, July 23, 2009

How to use SCHWARZKOPF-bc kur hair advancement ct color kur treatment?

My friend from japan gave me this hair treatment..but i don't know how to use/apply it on my friend don't know either. I already searched for it on the net and translated the Japanese words on it..but still i didn't find the procedure how to apply this product on my hair...

my hair was treated 3 months ago(straightened) even though my hair was not curly..can i still use this product on my hair?

1 comment:

  1. just read across your question but it seems too late. anyway for the record only. bc kur hair-treatment can be simply applied after shampoo. just rinse enough amount of bc kur hair-treatment with your hand to your scalp where the hair is getting thinner. you can wait 2-3 minutes after rinsing before washing your head. it is advised to use the formula ONCE A WEEK only. i hope this may help.
